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‘Magic Mike’ Director Steven Soderberg’s Favorite Things

Dec 27, 2023

Oscar-winning director Steven Soderbergh's talents have a broader reach beyond behind-the-camera work.

Soderbergh's multitude of hats includes screenwriter, producer, and editor for movies and Broadway plays such as the recently released Magic Mike's Last Dance, the Ocean's 11 trilogy and the upcoming Broadway show The Fears. His latest passion project is founding Singani 63. The national drink of Bolivia, singani is a spirit made with white muscat Alexandria grapes and dates to the early 16th century, when Spanish missionaries brought grapevines to the country.

On the heels of singani being recognized as an official spirits category by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, Soderbergh, who lives in Manhattan's Tribeca neighborhood, spoke to Penta about his favorite things.

I get inspiration for my work from.. the great works that other people have done before me. I have a wide range of interests in terms of theater, movies, books, and music. Seeing something great makes me want to make something great. I get activated. There's a book called Pictures from an Institution by the poet Randall Jarrell that I reread every few years. It's the perfect book in my mind. My music inspiration is Miles Davis because of his obsessive desire to keep evolving and not repeat himself. All the President's Men is my top movie inspiration.

The best way to get over writer's block is to… stop writing. Take a break for a day, a week or whatever you can. Engage in something else like music or a good book. Go to a museum. Then go back to writing with a fresh mind. You can't force great writing; it has to come.

The most memorable project I’ve ever worked on is… Ocean's 11. I had never attempted anything on that large of a scale before, and I was terrified. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to execute it. The cast made the movie. It was a unique group of people who made a lot of practical jokes. They put me at ease with their humor.

The movie of mine that I’ve watched most frequently is… none. I always want to progress forward and don't look back at the past unless it's under duress.

What I love most about the movie industry is… that it's not the music industry.

The essentials I have on every movie set are… large pretzels and Dr. Pepper in glass bottles.

The movie memorabilia that I will keep forever is… a perfect replica of "The Maltese Falcon." A friend of mine, Nicky Kata, an actor I’ve worked with a few times, gave it to me about 10 years ago as a "just because" gift. It's very hefty and feels like the real thing. It's a reflection of one of the most famous movies ever.

My favorite movie that I haven't worked on is… Sunset Boulevard. I watched it again just a few days ago. It's from more than 70 years ago and so dark and so sophisticated. They don't make movies like that anymore. I imagine what that movie set must have been like with William Holden and Gloria Swanson. What an insane cast.

My preferred way to drink Singani 63 is… in a rocks glass with a big rock. I have a custom ice tray with a "63" engraving.

My favorite way to spend a day in New York is… always on a Saturday. I go to my favorite slice joint, Il Matone, as a reward for getting through the week. I get three cheese slices. Of course, there is Dr. Pepper involved. I spend the rest of the day at home reading.

The restaurant I frequent most often in the city is… the Indian spot Tamarind Tribeca. It's a block away from where I live. I get an off the menu chicken vindaloo, vegetable samosas, and a tamarind margarita. It's spicy and has real tamarind in it.

My go-to vacation spot is… Amanyara in Turks and Caicos. I first went ten years ago at the recommendation of a friend and have been many times since. It's isolated, quiet, and has ridiculous service. Everything from the spa to the food is insane.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity

I get inspiration for my work from The best way to get over writer's block is to The most memorable project I’ve ever worked on is… The movie of mine that I’ve watched most frequently is… What I love most about the movie industry is… The essentials I have on every movie set are… The movie memorabilia that I will keep forever is… My favorite movie that I haven't worked on is… My preferred way to drink Singani 63 is… My favorite way to spend a day in New York is… The restaurant I frequent most often in the city is… My go-to vacation spot is…